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How to Create a Blog ― Follow 10 Steps to Make a Blog

How to create a blog

“How do I start a blog?” If you’re asking yourself that question, then you’re in the right place to learn the answer.

how to create a blog

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Creating a blog can benefit you

When you create a blog or website, you are creating a place to store and document your life, passions, and self-expression in a way you can choose to monetize at some point, or simply share with family and friends.

You’ll be able to reach a wide audience of users online, as over 3 billion people use the internet.

Creating your own blog is easy

To create a blog, you don’t need technical knowledge or crazy skills. You just have to follow a few steps, and you can use website building tools to help. When you create a website, all you need to pay for is hosting, which is only a few dollars a month.

If you choose an option such as Wix, which is free because they host it for you, then they will run ads on your blog and make money instead of you, and they offer fewer options to customize or add functionality to your site.

Using a free hosted website builder isn’t a good long-term option if you’re looking to fully own and monetize your site at any point.

Use WordPress to build your blog

If you want to monetize your blog at some point and have it look more professional, I’d recommend using a platform that lets you have more control over your site and doesn’t run its own ads on your site, such as

WordPress is free, and the easiest to use blog builder on the web. It is used by well over 35% of all websites on the internet.

10 Steps To Create a Blog

Here’s how to pick a domain name, how to get hosting, how to install WordPress, and how to install a theme:

  1. Pick a blog or site niche

    Choose what you want to write about and post on your blog

  2. Choose a domain name

    Brainstorm as many domain name ideas by writing them all down.

    A domain name is the url of your blog, for example,

    It is what people type into the Google or browser search bar to go to your website.

    Choose a short name that relates to your blog theme. It doesn’t have to be exact match and likely won’t, as not many exact match domains are still left.

    Be creative and choose fun words. One way to do this is to choose one word that is your exact idea, and then pair it with another word that is random such as a color or adjective.

    Think short and brandable as the goal.

    You can check what is available using the domain name search bar tool.

  3. Get hosting
    Go to
    create a blog hostgator

    b. Choose the basic plan if you want to make 1 blog or website:
    website hosting hostgator

  4. Choose your final domain name:

    Type in the domain name you chose in the above step.

    Make sure it is short, brandable and easy to remember

    If possible, choose a .com extension since it has higher user trust. If you are creative and choose another fun domain name with a different extension, that can work well as, and my favorite blog domain name is actually a non .com extension.

    If you can’t find a domain name that is still available, try adding another word to the end or start of your name such as ‘the’ or another adjective.

  5. You can double check your domain is available by typing it into the HostGator domain name availability search box:

    Enter Your Domain’ field to see what is available. The following example shows that my first idea, is unavailable:
    buy domain name hostgator

    Uncheck the domain privacy protection checkbox:
    domain privacy protection

  6. Pick a hosting plan

    Go with the one month plan unless you are 100% sure you want to keep your blog for longer.

    buy hosting

  7. Uncheck all additional services

    You’ll likely only need the domain name and hosting so feel free to uncheck all additional service boxes including ‘back up your hard work’ if you want to save money.

    Save with a coupon code

    You can use the coupon code PENNYSAVE11 or CUTCOST25 to save on your order.

    PENNYSAVE11 gets your first month of hosting for one cent.

    CUTCOST25 saves you 25% off any plan

    blog hosting coupon

  8. Get your hosting and domain name

    Once your coupons are applied and you have unchecked the extra boxes to save money, you can checkout to grab your domain name before another person does!

    With 1 hosting month PENNYSAVE11 your order total will be $12.96 with $.01 for the first month of hosting and $12.95 for one year of your domain name.

    website hosting cost

  9. How to Set up Your Blog using WordPress

    To set up your blog without coding, you can use the free WordPress platform to make it easy:

    Click ‘Hosting’:

    hostgator hosting order

  10. Click ‘Get Started With WordPress Today’?

    how to create a blog using wordpress

  11. Click ‘WordPress’

    wordpress as a cms

  12. Select your domain and click ‘Next’:

    hostgator wordpress domain installation

  13. Type your blog title, username, first name, last name and email, then click to install WordPress:

    wordpress installation

  14. Type your new blog domain name, ex, into your browser to see your blog

    There is your brand new blog!

How to login to your website

  1. Go to your email account and click HostGator’s WordPress install email and find your new username and password, both which are in the email.

    finished wordpress installation

  2. Type your new domain name into your search bar and add /wp-admin on the end:

    how to login to wordpress admin

    For example, if your domain name is, you type into the url bar to visit your site’s login page.

  3. Enter the username and password from Hostgator’s Welcome email to login to your site

Pick a WordPress theme

  1. To change your theme, click ‘Appearance’ then ‘Themes’ to see the different themes you can choose from:

    how to choose a wordpress theme

  2. Click the ‘Add new theme’ button and find a theme for your site:

    add new wordpress theme

  3. How to add a new post

    1. Click ‘Posts’, then click ‘Add New’:

      publish wordpress post

  4. You can choose a title, add some text and images for your first post.
  5. Click ‘Publish’ to publish your post and make it public and searchable for others to see

publish wordpress post

Type your domain name in the your internet search bar to look at your new post.

Here is an example of what the first post looks like for the site I used, ‘’.

view wordpress site

More Resources to learn and edit your site

Customize The Sydney Theme:

Videos how to customize Sydney: Customize Sydney video 1

Customize Sydney video 2

How to make Sydney front page static

It’s more professional to have a static front page, so do this for any business site.

Best WordPressPlugins

Best free WordPress plugins:

Landing page plugin (costs money):

WordPress Plugin Resources

More WordPress Resources

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